
Showing posts from February, 2017

16 Unusual Facts About The Human Body

The human body is a truly amazing vessel that many people take for granted. Whether you’re laying in bed or out for a jog, your body is doing tons of amazing things that you may not even realize. Simple things like Sweating, Blushing, Growing and regenerating tissue. …can be more complex and amazing that you might have previously thought. This is why it’s so important to take proper care of our bodies by exercising, eating well, and sleeping. Even though it might not feel like it, there are some incredible things happening inside of you, even right now. Here is a list of 16 amazing things that the body does. Whether it be on a daily basis or at certain times, the meaning behind some of these facts may surprise you! 1. Eye Muscles: As you go about your day, you may not realize that your eye muscles are getting an intense workout! Each time you look at something the eye has to move in order to focus. This happens over 100,000 times per day. If you were t...