WhatsApp for PC through Google chrome

WhatsApp for PC through Google chrome
Nowadays everyone wants to use whatsApp all the time. It’s part of our daily life, we chat with friends and family. But main limitation of whatsapp is now over. WhatsApp has now launched its new feature call WhatsApp web. Now you can use WhatsApp on PC. 


            Upgrade your whatsapp to latest version so that the new features can be added. -   WhatApp web

    Now come to your PC and download Google Chrome 36+ (following link will help you to download Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/ )

   Once its downloaded installed it by following instructions on your desktop.

   Open Google Chrome and go to Google web store

   On the top right of web store, search for Chrome app launcher. Click add to chrome, it will be installed automatically. Once it’s installed you may see an icon on the bottom right of your desktop.

   Now again come back to web store by clicking app launcher, and search for WhatsChrome, add this to chrome by clicking the add button.

   Once it’s installed, it will open automatically and on your screen you will see a bar-code. And now open WhatsApp on your mobile and click WhatsApp web from option button.

   Once you click WhatsApp web, it will open barcode scanner. Scan that barcode which is on your desktop. And enjoy WhatsApp on your PC.

    Make sure your mobile data/Wifi is on.

By using WhatsApp on PC through Chrome, you can reduce the battery consumption of mobile, easy chatting including voice message and video recording.
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